The Case
for Change
ND Australia's vision is to enable the delivery of innovative and integrated
models of care and support across Australia.
Supports that can grow change with people throughout their lives.
The only way this can happen is by forging new capacity building partnerships between universities, hospital networks, the NDIS, and ND communities.
Where information sharing between researchers, health providers and the community is the norm not the exception.
Where the goal is to ensure that every person has the ability to obtain effective treatment regardless of culture, cost or location.
These are the key themes underpinning and driving our work.

Ground-breaking Research & Programs
Ground-breaking Research & Programs.
We will enable and support cutting edge research by fostering partnerships and collaboration to provide life-long strategies and choices for those living with neurodevelopment conditions.
Promote a two-way exchange of information and ideas by exploring and developing pathways for those with lived-experience to drive and inform policy, research and community programs.


Source of Truth
Independent Source of Truth.
Provide decision and policy makers with accessible, relevant and evidence-based information to inform their deliberations.